Thursday, February 18, 2010

Jälle aasta vanemaks

Täna on mu sünnipäev. Täpselt 10.10 sain siis 16 aastaseks, oh mis vanur juba.
Ma ütleks, et see oli mul hea sünnipäev, kõik tegid tuju heakas oma õnnesoovidega ja paljud vanad sõbrad on mind ka meeles pidanud ja raatsinud õnne soovida.
Olin terve päev kodus pm. Vahepeal sain ka paar kinki.
Kinkidest on üldse ükskõik, vähemalt, et näen neid inimesi keda armastan.

Mulle tehti isegi videoid. Kuidas nad küll viitsid, aga tõesti need videod tõid kohe suure suure naeratuse näole.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Heart's a mess

Everything is so fucking messed up. I have noone to turn to, I have lost so much, so so much I thought was never possible, but as I see things change, always not for the better but I'll get through, I always must.

Tomorrow's my b-day and im absolutley not waiting for it, why can't it be some time else. I even don't want to think about it, I hope tomorrow's going to pass nicely and quietly with no drama.

So much to do, so little time.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Teaspoon, I really like you, I really do

Aaaaa, we would be two happy teaspoons together. Well okay, not thinking so far, I really like one of the teaspoons on the picture. Ahh I'd be so glad to get it. So so glad!
You'd be as sweet as sugar. And as tall as I'd ever like.


I just don't understand what people have against gays, their people too, no different than anyone else, just they like the same sex, that's all. Is it really so disgusting that people have to give them names, throw things at them, tease them ect.!? I think it's sick, noone should treat them that way. Can't many people just accept them and keep their nose out of their business.

Someday, just someday ..

I must must, must get out of here. I need to see something new, not be bored here.What do I do here? Just sit around and practically do nothing, when I could be doing so much. I could be traveling, seeing all the things I would ever want to see. I truly feel a need to see something amazing at this point of view. As soon as I can, Im gona be gone from here. Someday, someday I surely will.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Tea time

Ahh is there any better drink than tea? I don't think so. I's also good with rum.